More than sixty per cent of the human body is constituted of water. You can live without food for weeks, but without water, you can’t survive two days. Such is the importance and necessity of water to the body. It is scientifically proven that drinking eight or more glasses of water a day can produce favourable results for health. To lead a healthy lifestyle, drinking water is an important habit we need to develop.
Kidney diseases and failures are considerably increasing among young children. The major reason behind this increasing rate is that children and young minds neglect the necessity of drinking water. Many children fail to drink enough water during school hours. So it is important to create awareness among the children and the youth, regarding the importance of drinking water.

The importance of drinking sufficient water every day
1. Increased oxygen supply: Water can transport oxygen to every body cell thereby making them function efficiently. It also helps greatly in supplying nutrients and removing wastes and toxins from the body cells.
2. To maintain body temperature: Keeping the body hydrated all the time is important in maintaining a normal body temperature. Dehydration could even result in death. The blood will increase and the water helps in the regulation of the temperature of the blood. Increased body temperature and the heat beat are two main symptoms of dehydration. So keep yourself hydrated all the time.
3. Enhances the skin and joints: Water can increases the blood flow to the skin which helps the skin to glow. Water also removes all the toxins from the skin cells which boosts skin health and gives you glowing and healthy skin.
Water can helps in the smooth functioning of the joints too. Water acts as a lubricant for the joints and keeps them flexible all time.
4. Increased metabolism: Drinking sufficient water a day will promote an increased rate of metabolism. It speeds up the process of breaking up nutrients and the subsequent energy production in the cells. So water is necessary for an increased metabolism rate.
5. Helps in the formation of saliva and other bodily fluids: Saliva in the mouth is the only enzyme that can break down the carbohydrates in the food. That’s why it is said that you should chew your food and not swallow it. There are no other enzymes in the body that can break down carbohydrates molecules. So saliva plays an important role in energy production inside the body. Water can stimulate saliva production and drinking more water can help in saliva production. Water also stimulates the production of other bodily fluids.
6. Regulates the blood pressure late: Dehydration leads to lower body blood levels. Lower blood rate results in a dropping in body pressure which can seriously damage the function of the brain. Blood pressure is an important parameter that should be given uttermost importance and you should always keep it in check. In some cases, lower blood pressure can even result in death. Water helps maintain the blood pressure level by regulating the blood level in the body. So drinking a considerable amount of water can help your body to function properly.

7. Promote weight loss: Water is the only liquid that is one hundred per cent calorie-free. Drinking water promotes increased blood flow, and metabolism and thereby it burns fat. In this way, drinking water healthily promotes body weight loss.
8. Increases physical fitness: Drinking water is the best way to keep our body fit. It promotes the overall fitness of the body. Staying hydrated is compulsory for a healthy body and enhanced physical performance.
9. Maintains the health of your kidneys: The most important part of our body that works basically with water is our kidneys. The basic functioning of the kidney is based on the water we drink. The body part that will affect most without water is the kidneys. It is through the water we drink, our body through the kidneys excretes all the waste from our body. So drinking water is very important for the working of the kidneys.
Water is needed for all bodily activities and it is an indispensable factor for the smooth functioning of our life. It is important to drink at least eight glasses of water every day to maintain both physical and mental fitness. You should add more fluids and food items that contain more amount of water. So make sure to add more water to your daily diet and at least drink eight glasses of water a day. Drink water and stay healthy.