A food diary is a record of your everyday eating and drinking habits. Your doctor and you both benefit from having a food journal. You may become more aware of your eating habits. Once you are aware of this, you can alter your diet to lose weight. It can also be a really useful tool if you’re attempting to figure out which foods can make you feel unwell. This is especially true if you suffer from food sensitivity or an ailment like acid reflux or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Here are a few tips for making your food journal: –
Write everything down
You need to make sure that you note down everything when it comes to food—even a slight taste. If you were to do this, it will support your goals of losing weight or gaining muscle. If you start snacking, even just a little, and do not note it down, it will be quite harmful in the long run. If you keep track of everything, and by everything we also mean the small snacking, this will help you keep track of your eating habits and ultimately help you with your health.

Do it on the go
When it comes to making a food journal, you need to make sure that you write every time you eat. It is quite easy to forget if you wait till the end of the day to write about everything you ate. It’ll be a lot harder to keep track of the quantity of food and drinks you had if you wait till the end of the day.
Spare no details
You need to make sure that you add every minute detail to your journal. It doesn’t matter how big it is, just note down as many details as you can. You can note down the ingredients of the food you ate. You can also try using measuring cups to get more accurate information on your intake.
Mood Swings
Food plays a significant role in your mood swings. Make sure you monitor your mood swings thoroughly after each meal as this will be very helpful. You should also monitor how you feel before you eat and then this will help you find out what diet affects your mental health. When you eat a different meal, note down how you feel immediately after eating, then do the same after an hour. Do this with different types of foods.

The key factor to making a journal is to stay consistent. In the beginning, you may feel like there is no point in keeping one and it is simply just a waste of time. Don’t believe that thought. This journal will help you in the long run. You may not see how important it is now but give it a few months and you will see how much it aids you in day-to-day living.
Use apps
You may not be able to carry a journal everywhere you go. This is where you can use apps that will be available on your app store. It does not matter if you are writing in a book or typing it into your phone. As long as you are making a record of your food habits, it’s all good. Apps are a lot more convenient and you can write anywhere you go. Make the most of technology.
Click Pictures
Visual evidence is always better than writing things down. This doesn’t mean that you need to stop writing. Continue with your writing but also add a few pictures to it. This will help you remember things better. This will also help you see how your eating habits and patterns have changed over time.
The Takeaway To keep track of what you eat and drink during the day, food journals are frequently utilized. Along with where and when you eat, who you eat with, and how you feel before, during, and after each meal, you may also record this information. Even while these diaries might not be a suitable fit for everyone, they can support the development of healthy habits, the discovery of dietary sensitivities, and weight management. Keeping a food journal can be a terrific approach to improving your diet and taking charge of your health by using the advice given above.