Health is one of the primary areas where people seldom give care. But what we need to understand is that our health determines our quality of life. A healthy person could enjoy each moment of his life in the way he/she wants it. But for an unhealthy person, their happiness is limited. It limits and prevents them from doing actually what they want with life. So health plays a very important role in determining the course of everyone’s life. Life is a chance and we need to grab every aspect of it to fulfil all our dreams. When health stands opposite our dreams, there isn’t much we can do. So like the saying goes “Prevention is better than cure.”
Exercises are a decisive factor that contributes to the overall fitness of a person. The health and immunity of a person doing regular exercises are much more than a person with no exercise habits at all. They are less prone to diseases because their body has achieved high resistance power against the diseases. So exercises are very much important in living a healthy way of life.

There are many kinds of exercises and each of them has its important role in making our body fit. Cardio, anaerobic exercises and Plyometric are such exercises. Apart from these, there is a high intensity exercise group known as HIIT (High intensity interval Training). The following article will give a detailed description of HIIT Exercises.
What is called High intensity interval training exercise?
It is a group of exercises with high intensity exercises which have got only limited time of rest or interval. It is a group of exercises that are primarily undertaken by athletes. These repeated intervals of high intensity exercises are extremely useful especially for athletes to boost muscle power and strength. HIIT training has massive popularity and demand in the health and fitness industry. When we take the history of running, this HIIT training has begun about one hundred years ago.
It is one of the best time-efficient fitness activities where a person’s body is benefitted in many ways. It gives a person, the largest benefits within a short period of time. Some of the benefits of High Intensity Interval Training Exercises are;
- It increases the maximum aerobic capacity of a person
- Efficiency in lactate threshold
- Efficiency in overall exercising
What are High Intensity Interval Training Exercises?
It is a form of cardiovascular training which consists of repeated high intensity level exercises with short time of intervals or rest. Sometimes, low-intensity level exercises are done in this short period of rest or interval. Practising HIIT helps make an individual’s body adjust to high intensity exercises. The main aim of this group of training exercises is to increase the volume of training completed at high intensities. In this group of exercises, the workouts are broken into several small, high intensity levels.

HIIT makes an individual’s body training harder when compared to continuous training. It also helps in spending time for higher intensity training. HIIT will make a body adapt to greater training. It is proven that HIIT is one of the effective groups of exercises which comes with many advantages and health benefits.
Advantages of HIIT
There are a great many advantages and health benefits associated with High intensity interval training exercises.
The body’s level of adaptability is increased by HIIT training and it is one of the time effective groups of exercises. Within a short period of time, appropriate results are shown by the HIIT training exercises which is the main reason for its popularity. It can provide great improvements in several facets like health, fitness, endurance and exercise performance. HIIT is very much helpful in maximizing cardiovascular fitness and calorie expenditure in a minimal time period. The following are some of the health benefits of HIIT;
- Increased rate of metabolism
- Improvement of cardiovascular fitness
- Low rate of blood pressure and resting heart rate
- Increased rate of fat metabolism and weight loss
- Improves insulin resistance and lowers blood sugar levels.
How does HIIT influence the fitness of an individual?
The following are different ways in which HIIT influences the fitness of a person:
1. Increased rate of fat oxidation
2. Improves the stroke volume of the heart
3. Improves lactate uptake and clearance
4. Increases both aerobic and anaerobic energy production
5. Neuromuscular coordination and efficiency are increased
6. Increases endurance exercise performanceHigh Intensity Interval Training is greatly beneficial to the body in every way possible. For a healthy way of life, HIIT exercises can help an individual in every health and fitness-related aspects.